
All subscription fees paid to Tech Genius IT Solutions are non-refundable. We do not offer trading advice or act as an investment advisor. Our primary focus is on the development, deployment, and maintenance of automated trading applications.

All algorithms are derived from historical data, and we offer no assurances regarding their future performance. The algorithms used in our automated systems are confirmed with the user before being deployed, and we bear no responsibility for any losses incurred through their use. Past results of any strategies or advice are not indicative of future performance. Actual trading outcomes can substantially differ due to various factors, including costs, timing of trades, market conditions, and individual client needs. There is no guarantee that any strategy, model, or advice from Tech Genius IT Solutions will meet its objectives. Neither Tech Genius IT Solutions, its partners, nor its employees guarantee any return on investment in our strategies, models, or advice. The value of investments can rise or fall based on market forces. Tech Genius IT Solutions and its affiliates are not accountable for any losses or shortfalls resulting from market fluctuations.